POTS - tradução para Inglês
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POTS - tradução para Inglês

Pots; POT; Pot (disambiguation)


общая лексика

Plain Old Telephone Service

простая старая телефонная служба, обычная телефонная сеть

телефонная сеть, к которой можно подключить обычный аналоговый телефон. POTS на новые технологии типа ISDN не ссылается. Обеспечивает пропускание по двухпроводной линии между абонентами звукового сигнала в диапазоне частот от 300 Гц до 3,4 кГц. Во время разговора сигналы идут одновременно во встречных направлениях. Для цифровой передачи принята частота квантования 8 кГц и 8-разрядная оцифровка сигнала


[preoverhaul test] испытания перед капитальным ремонтом




Pot may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para POTS
1. Neti Pots!
The Making of Sh_tty Robots _ Simone Giertz _ Talks at Google
2. Neti Pots!
The Making of Sh_tty Robots _ Simone Giertz _ Talks at Google
3. knife, I think pots--
The Latin Road Home _ Jose Garces _ Talks at Google
4. pots and textiles.
5. AUDIENCE: Instant pots.
Simply Hot Pots _ Amy Kimoto-Kahn _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para POTS
1. "They bury infants into pots alive and bury the pots.
2. "After three years of selling pots at the market I opened the shop selling cooking pots and crockery.
3. Yoghurt pots in France are about half as big as yoghurt pots in the US, Geier and his colleagues found, but the French do not buy twice as many pots of yoghurt.
4. Black bag after black bag was filled÷ musty herbs, empty jars, swollen tins, cracked cups, lids without pots, pots without lids, congealed silver polish, mouldy jam.
5. Standing in the dirt, she started washing pots and dishes.